Staying Warm on the Job

With the temperatures dropping and staying low for the next few months, it’s important to make sure tank fabrication teams are staying warm on the job. Cold, wet, and icy conditions on job sites can lead to hypothermia or frostbite in extreme situations, or at the very least discomfort for your crew. Here are a few tips we keep in mind as we prepare our crews to be fabricating tanks in the cold weather:

  • Warm layers of warm, loose clothing - Layering clothing items helps to provide better insulation to cold weather.

  • Bring extras - Make sure to have extra socks, gloves, a jacket with you when you’re on the job just in case your layers get wet or damaged while working.

  • Take breaks - Make sure you build some “warming breaks” into your day to allow your body to recalibrate.

  • Be aware - Educate yourself about weather-related health issues like hypothermia and frostbite, and be vigilant about paying attention to any symptoms of these illnesses. Some of these symptoms are shivering, fatigue, and tingling.

Anyone working outside during the winter is at risk for cold-related illnesses and injuries, so it’s important to be prepared with warm clothes, take breaks to warm up while on the job, and stay aware of any symptoms you may experience.