Carbon Steel ASME Pressure Vessels

The most common type of steel that is produced is carbon steel; all types of steel contain some carbon, but true carbon steel has at least 2.1% carbon. Chattanooga Boiler & Tank serves clients in a variety of industries with carbon steel tanks for many reasons.

First of all, carbon steel is wear resistant and malleable, making it a great choice for fabricated tanks. Also, a high carbon content in steel makes it harder and stronger than other types of steel.

We also encourage clients to use carbon steel tanks because they are incredibly affordable because they use less materials than a stainless steel tank.

As great as they are, carbon steel tanks trade off hardness for ductility, which is the ability to hold up when stretched. That means that carbon steel with a higher carbon content can become brittle with temperature fluctuation or variety, as well as more susceptible to rust.

When a customer comes to us considering a carbon steel tank, we encourage them to think about the carbon content. For example, low-carbon steel is less brittle or we advise about the carbon content amount based on weather or proposed tank usage.

If you think a carbon steel tank might be a good fit for your project, request a quote today!