3 Reasons to Use Stainless Steel for Your Fabricated Tanks

There are many different material types that can be used when fabricated storage tanks for different industries. One of the metals we work with frequently in projects for our clients is stainless steel. Stainless steel is readily available, which means it is often a budget-friendly choice for our clients, but there are 3 other benefits that we want to talk about today:

  1. Durability - Stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion than many other alloy and metal options. This makes stainless steel storage tanks highly durable with a long lifespan. It also keeps the chemical, water, or other product that is stored in the tanks safe and without compromise. It also helps if your tank is located somewhere with extreme temperatures because stainless steel avoids weathering issues.

  2. Customization - If you need a storage tank that is a unique design or needs to meet specific needs, then stainless steel is a great choice because it can be bent, rolled, and shaped for a customized project. Tanks made from this material can be designed in a variety of diameters, heights, and widths, which makes sure that you get exactly the finished product you need!

  3. Low-Temperature Applications - We mentioned external temperatures in the durability section above, but if you need to store something with a low temperature, stainless steel is a perfect choice because many stainless steel types are engineered to handle extremely cold temperatures and are perfect for handling and storing liquid gasses like nitrogen that are incredibly cold.

If your company is considering a new project and trying to determine what type of material to use in fabrication, stainless steel might be the right choice for you. Tell us more about your project and let us help you determine the best material type for you!